Research Article
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Year 2018, Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 30.09.2018



  • [1] Goodwin, F.E., ve Ponikvar, A.L., Engineering Properties of Zinc Alloys, International Lead Zinc Research Organization, USA, 1989.
  • [2] Gervais, E., Barnhurst, R.J. ve Loong, C.A., An Analysis of Selected Properties of ZA Alloys, Journal of Metals, 37(11), (1985) 43-47.
  • [3] Skanazi, A.F., Pelerin, J., Coutsouradis, D., Magnus, B. ve Meeus, M., Some Recent Developments in the Improvement of the Mechanical Properties of Zinc Foundry Alloys, Metallwissenschaft und Technik, (37)9, (1983) 898-902.
  • [4] Gervais, E., Levert, H. ve Bess, M., The Development of a Family of Zinc-Based Foundry Alloys, American Foundrymen’s Society Transaction, 88, (1980) 183-194.
  • [5] Hekimoğlu, A.P., ve Savaşkan, T., Structure and mechanical properties of Zn-(5–25) Al alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 105(11), (2014) 1084-1089.
  • [6] Savaşkan, T., ve Hekimoğlu, A.P., Relationships between mechanical and tribological properties of Zn-15Albased ternary and quaternary alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 107(7), (2016) 646-652.
  • [7] Savaşkan, T., Hekimoğlu, A.P., ve Pürçek, G., Effect of Copper Content on the Mechanical and Sliding Wear Properties of Monotectoid-Based Zinc-Aluminium-Copper Alloys, Tribology International., 37, (2004), 45-50.
  • [8] Savaşkan, T., Purçek, G., ve Hekimoğlu, AP., Effect of copper content on the mechanical and tribological properties of ZnAl27-based alloys, Tribology Letters, 15(3), (2003) 257-263.
  • [9] Savaşkan, T., ve Hekimoğlu, A.P., Relationships between mechanical and tribological properties of Zn-15Albased ternary and quaternary alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 107(7), (2016) 646-652.
  • [10] Savaşkan T., Hekimoğlu A.P., Effect of quench–ageing treatment on the microstructure and properties of Zn- 15Al-3Cu alloy, International Journal of Materials Research, 106(5), (2015) 481-487.
  • [11] Savaşkan, T., ve Alemdağ Y., Effects of Pressure and Sliding Speed on the Friction and Wear Properties of Al-40Zn-3Cu-2Si Alloy: A Comparative Study with SAE 65 Bronze, Materials Science and Engineering A, 496, (2008) 517-523.
  • [12] Prasad, B.K., Sliding Wear Response of a Zinc-based Alloy and its Composite and Comparison With a Gray Cast Iron: Influence of Exeternal Lubrication and Microstructural Features, Materials Science and Engineering A, 392, (2005) 427-439.
  • [13] Prasad, B.K., Effects of Silicon Addition and Test Parameters on Sliding Wear Characteristics of Zinc-Based Alloy Containing 37,5% Aluminium, Materials Transactions, JIM., 38(8), (1997) 701-706.
  • [14] Delneuville, P., Tribological Behaviour of Zn-Al Alloys (ZA27) Compared with Bronze When Used as a Bearing Material with High Load and very Low Speed, Wear, 105, (1985) 283-292.
  • [15] Mondal, D. P., Das, S., ve Rajput, V., Effect of Zinc Concentration and Experimental Parameters on High Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Al-Zn Alloys: A Factorial Design Approach, Materials Science and Engineering A, 406, (2005), 24-33.
  • [16] Savaşkan, T., Pürçek, G. ve Murphy, S., Sliding Wear of Cast Zinc-Based Alloy Bearing under Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions, Wear, 252, (2002) 693-703.
  • [17] Murphy, S., ve Savaşkan, T., Comparative Wear Behaviour of Zn-Al Based Alloys in an Automotive Engine Application, Wear, 98, (1984) 151-161.
  • [18] Hekimoğlu, A.P., ve Savaşkan, T., Lubricated friction and wear properties of Zn-15Al-(1-5)Cu Alloys, Turkish Journal of Electromechanics & Energy 1(2), (2016) 1-7.
  • [19] Savaşkan, T., ve Bican, O., Dry Sliding Friction and Wear Properties of Al-25Zn-3Cu-3Si Alloy, Tribology International, 43, (2010) 1346-1352.
  • [20] Gulbransen, E.A., The Kinetics of Oxide Film Formation on Metals and Alloys, Transactions of the Electrochemical Society, 91(1), (1947) 573-604.
  • [21] Pürçek, G., Savaşkan, T., Küçükömeroğlu, T., ve Murphy, S., Dry Sliding Friction and Wear Properties of Zinc-Based Alloys, Wear, 252, (2002) 894-901.
  • [22] Pandey, J. P. ve Prasad, B. K., Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of A Zinc-Based Alloy Against Different Counterface Materials, Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 88, (1997) 739-743.
  • [23] Halling, J., Principles of Tribology, Macmillan Education Ltd., Great Britain, 1989.
  • [24] Alemdağ, Y., ve Savaşkan, T., Effects of Silicon Content on the Mechanical Properties and Lubricated Wear Behaviour of Al-40Zn-3Cu-(0-5)Si Alloys, Tribology Letters, 29, (2008) 221-227.

Basınç ve Kayma Hızının Zn-15Al-3Cu Alaşımının Yağsız Çalışma Durumundaki Sürtünme ve Aşınma Özelliklerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2018, Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 30.09.2018


çalışmada Zn-15Al-3Cu alaşımı kokil döküm yöntemiyle üretildi. Metalografik incelemeler
sonucunda bu alaşımın içyapısının β dendritleri ile
a, η ve ε (CuZn4)
fazlarından oluştuğu görüldü. Alaşımın yağsız durumdaki sürtünme ve aşınma özellikleri
blok-disk esaslı bir aşınma deney düzeneğinde farklı basınç (1-5 MPa) ve kayma
hızlarında (0,5-2,5 ms-1) 2500 m’lik kayma yolu tamamlanıncaya kadar
incelendi. Alaşımın sürtünme katsayısının artan basınç
ile azaldığı, kayma hızından ise fazla etkilenmediği gözlendi. Aşınma ile
meydana gelen hacim kaybı ve sıcaklık değerlerinin artan basınç ve kayma
hızıyla arttığı görüldü. Ayrıca basınç ve kayma hızı arttıkça yüzeylerdeki
aşınma ve/veya hasar izlerinin daha belirgin hale geldiği görüldü. Aşınma
yüzeylerinin altında farklı mikroyapı ve mikrosertlik değerlerine sahip
tabakaların yer aldığı gözlendi. Bu tabakaların oluşumu gerilme etkisi ile
yüzey altında meydana gelen yapısal dönüşümlere ve aşınma parçacıklarının
yüzeye sıvanmalarına dayandırılarak açıklandı. Yüzeyde yer alan sıvama
tabakasının kalınlık ve mikrosertlik değerinin artan basınç ve kayma hızı ile
arttığı belirlendi. Basınç ve kayma hızının alaşımın tribolojik özellikleri
üzerindeki etkileri çalışma sırasında yapısal ve mekanik özelliklerde meydana
gelen değişimlere göre açıklandı.  


  • [1] Goodwin, F.E., ve Ponikvar, A.L., Engineering Properties of Zinc Alloys, International Lead Zinc Research Organization, USA, 1989.
  • [2] Gervais, E., Barnhurst, R.J. ve Loong, C.A., An Analysis of Selected Properties of ZA Alloys, Journal of Metals, 37(11), (1985) 43-47.
  • [3] Skanazi, A.F., Pelerin, J., Coutsouradis, D., Magnus, B. ve Meeus, M., Some Recent Developments in the Improvement of the Mechanical Properties of Zinc Foundry Alloys, Metallwissenschaft und Technik, (37)9, (1983) 898-902.
  • [4] Gervais, E., Levert, H. ve Bess, M., The Development of a Family of Zinc-Based Foundry Alloys, American Foundrymen’s Society Transaction, 88, (1980) 183-194.
  • [5] Hekimoğlu, A.P., ve Savaşkan, T., Structure and mechanical properties of Zn-(5–25) Al alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 105(11), (2014) 1084-1089.
  • [6] Savaşkan, T., ve Hekimoğlu, A.P., Relationships between mechanical and tribological properties of Zn-15Albased ternary and quaternary alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 107(7), (2016) 646-652.
  • [7] Savaşkan, T., Hekimoğlu, A.P., ve Pürçek, G., Effect of Copper Content on the Mechanical and Sliding Wear Properties of Monotectoid-Based Zinc-Aluminium-Copper Alloys, Tribology International., 37, (2004), 45-50.
  • [8] Savaşkan, T., Purçek, G., ve Hekimoğlu, AP., Effect of copper content on the mechanical and tribological properties of ZnAl27-based alloys, Tribology Letters, 15(3), (2003) 257-263.
  • [9] Savaşkan, T., ve Hekimoğlu, A.P., Relationships between mechanical and tribological properties of Zn-15Albased ternary and quaternary alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 107(7), (2016) 646-652.
  • [10] Savaşkan T., Hekimoğlu A.P., Effect of quench–ageing treatment on the microstructure and properties of Zn- 15Al-3Cu alloy, International Journal of Materials Research, 106(5), (2015) 481-487.
  • [11] Savaşkan, T., ve Alemdağ Y., Effects of Pressure and Sliding Speed on the Friction and Wear Properties of Al-40Zn-3Cu-2Si Alloy: A Comparative Study with SAE 65 Bronze, Materials Science and Engineering A, 496, (2008) 517-523.
  • [12] Prasad, B.K., Sliding Wear Response of a Zinc-based Alloy and its Composite and Comparison With a Gray Cast Iron: Influence of Exeternal Lubrication and Microstructural Features, Materials Science and Engineering A, 392, (2005) 427-439.
  • [13] Prasad, B.K., Effects of Silicon Addition and Test Parameters on Sliding Wear Characteristics of Zinc-Based Alloy Containing 37,5% Aluminium, Materials Transactions, JIM., 38(8), (1997) 701-706.
  • [14] Delneuville, P., Tribological Behaviour of Zn-Al Alloys (ZA27) Compared with Bronze When Used as a Bearing Material with High Load and very Low Speed, Wear, 105, (1985) 283-292.
  • [15] Mondal, D. P., Das, S., ve Rajput, V., Effect of Zinc Concentration and Experimental Parameters on High Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Al-Zn Alloys: A Factorial Design Approach, Materials Science and Engineering A, 406, (2005), 24-33.
  • [16] Savaşkan, T., Pürçek, G. ve Murphy, S., Sliding Wear of Cast Zinc-Based Alloy Bearing under Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions, Wear, 252, (2002) 693-703.
  • [17] Murphy, S., ve Savaşkan, T., Comparative Wear Behaviour of Zn-Al Based Alloys in an Automotive Engine Application, Wear, 98, (1984) 151-161.
  • [18] Hekimoğlu, A.P., ve Savaşkan, T., Lubricated friction and wear properties of Zn-15Al-(1-5)Cu Alloys, Turkish Journal of Electromechanics & Energy 1(2), (2016) 1-7.
  • [19] Savaşkan, T., ve Bican, O., Dry Sliding Friction and Wear Properties of Al-25Zn-3Cu-3Si Alloy, Tribology International, 43, (2010) 1346-1352.
  • [20] Gulbransen, E.A., The Kinetics of Oxide Film Formation on Metals and Alloys, Transactions of the Electrochemical Society, 91(1), (1947) 573-604.
  • [21] Pürçek, G., Savaşkan, T., Küçükömeroğlu, T., ve Murphy, S., Dry Sliding Friction and Wear Properties of Zinc-Based Alloys, Wear, 252, (2002) 894-901.
  • [22] Pandey, J. P. ve Prasad, B. K., Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of A Zinc-Based Alloy Against Different Counterface Materials, Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 88, (1997) 739-743.
  • [23] Halling, J., Principles of Tribology, Macmillan Education Ltd., Great Britain, 1989.
  • [24] Alemdağ, Y., ve Savaşkan, T., Effects of Silicon Content on the Mechanical Properties and Lubricated Wear Behaviour of Al-40Zn-3Cu-(0-5)Si Alloys, Tribology Letters, 29, (2008) 221-227.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ali Paşa Hekimoğlu 0000-0003-2396-4876

Temel Savaşkan 0000-0002-3792-6478

Publication Date September 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 1


APA Hekimoğlu, A. P., & Savaşkan, T. (2018). Basınç ve Kayma Hızının Zn-15Al-3Cu Alaşımının Yağsız Çalışma Durumundaki Sürtünme ve Aşınma Özelliklerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Haliç Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 1-20.

T. C. Haliç University Journal of Science