Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 49, 28 - 38, 30.09.2017


Amaç: Mezuniyet öncesi tıp eğitiminde profesyonalizm ve
iletişim becerilerinin 360 derece değerlendirme yöntemiyle belirlenmesi

Yöntem: Araştırmada 360 derece değerlendirme yöntemi
kullanılmıştır. Acil Servis’te staj yapan intern doktorlar için 360 derece
değerlendirme yöntemi kullanılarak birlikte çalıştığı ekip üyelerinden,
akranlarından ve hastalardan intern doktoru değerlendirmesi istenmiştir.
anket formu analiz edilmiştir.
kapalı zarflar içinde verilmiş ve geri alınmıştır.

elde edilen veriler analiz edildiğinde intern doktorların profesyonalizm ve
iletişim becerilerine verilen puan ortalaması; öğretim üyesi= 4,29, uzmanlık
öğrencisi doktor için=4,63, hemşireler için=4,05, sekreterler için=3,81,
paramedikler için=4,19, hastalar için=4,38, 
akran intern doktorlar için ise=4,57 olarak bulunmuştur (en düşük=1, en
yüksek=5). İntern doktorların en yüksek puan aldığı gruplar uzmanlık öğrencisi
doktor ve akran intern doktorlardır. İntern doktorların en düşük puan aldığı
gruplar ise sekreterler, hemşireler ve paramediklerdir.

“Uzmanlık öğrencisi doktor” ile
“hemşire”lerin intern doktorlara verdikleri puanlar arasında pozitif yönlü orta
düzeyde bir ilişki (r=0,515; p=0,003<0,05), “Uzmanlık öğrencisi doktor” ve
“akran”ların intern doktorlara verdikleri puanlar arasında pozitif yönlü güçlü
bir ilişki bulunmuştur (r=0,620; p=0,000<0,05).

“Hemşire” ve “sekreter”lerin intern
doktorlara verdikleri puanlar arasında pozitif yönlü orta düzeyde bir ilişki
(r=0,595; p=0,000<0,05), “Hemşire” ve “paramedik”lerin intern doktorlara
verdikleri puanlar arasında pozitif yönlü orta düzeyde bir ilişki bulunmuştur
(r=0,431; p=0,016<0,05).

Sonuç: Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre intern doktorların memnun edici
derecede profesyonel davranışlar sergilediği ve hem sağlık bakım ekibi üyeleri
hem de hastalarla iletişimlerinin iyi olduğu görülmüştür. 


  • Halkett GKB, Mckay J, Shaw T. Improving students’ confident levels in communicating with patients and introducing students to the importance of history taking. Radiography. 2011;17:55-60.
  • Smith S, Adam D, Kirkpatrick P. Using solution-focused communication to support patients. Nursing Standart. 2011;25(52):42-47.
  • Lau Y, Wang W. Development and evaluation of a learner-centered training course on communication skills for baccalaurate nursing students. Nurse Education Today. 2013;3:1617-1623.
  • Weissman GV. Evaluating associate degree nursing students’ self-efficacy in communication skills and attitudes in caring fort he dying patient. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 2011;6:64-72.
  • Turan S, Elcin M, Uner S, Odabasi O, Sayek I, Senemoglu N. The impact of clinical visits on communication skills training. Patient Education and Counselling. 2009;77:42-47.
  • Kurtz S, Silverman J, Draper J. Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine. Radcliffe Medical Press. 1998.
  • Silverman J, Kurtz S, Draper J. Skills for communicating with patients. Radcliffe Medical Press. 1999.
  • Hillis DJ, Grigg MJ. Professionalism and the role of medical colleges. The Surgeon. 2015;13:292-299.
  • Bradburn M, Staley H. Professionalism. Surgery. 2012;30(9):499-500.
  • Falcone JL, Claxton RN, Marshall GT. Communication skills training in surgical residency: A need assessment and metacognition analysis of a difficult conversation Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Journal of Surgical Education. 2014;71(3):309-315.
  • Naska TJ, Philibert I, Brigham T, Flynn TC. The Next GME Accreditation System- Rationale and Benefits. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2012;366:1051-1056.
  • Maguire P, Pitceathly C. Key communication skills and how to acquire them. BMJ. 2002;325(7366):697-700.
  • Aspegren K. Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine-a review with quality grading of articles , Medical Teacher 1999;2(21):563-570.
  • Van Dalen J, Prince CJAH, Scherpbier AJJA van der Vleuten CPM. Evaluating Communication Skills. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 1998;3:187-195.
  • Ten Cate TJ, De Haes JCJM. Summative assessment of medical students in the affective domain. Medical Teacher. 2000:22:40-43.
  • Hochberg MS, Berman RS, Kalet AL, Zabar SR, Gillespie C, Pachter HL. The professionalism curriculum as a cultural change agent in surgical residency education. The American Journal of Surgery. 2012:203(1):14-20.
  • Posner G, Nakajima A. Assessing residents’ communication skills:disclosure of and adverse event to a standardized patient. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2011;33(3):262-268.
  • McLachlan JC, Finn G, Macnaughton J. The conscientiousness index: A novel tool to explore students’ professionalism. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2009;84:559-565.
  • Lepsinger R, Lucia AD. The art and science of 360° feedback. An Imprint of Jossey-Bass Inc. 1997.
  • Joshi R, Ling FW, Jaeger J. Assessment of a 360 Degree Instrument to Evaluate Residents’ Competency in Interpersonal and Communication Skills. Academic Medicine. 2004;79(5):458-463.
  • Başterzi AD, Karabilgin ÖS. Psikiyatride iş başında değerlendirme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. 2009;1(3):297-318.
  • Massagli TL, Carline JD. Reliability of a 360 degree evaluation to assess resident competence. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2007;86:845-852.
  • Shumway JM, Harden RM. AMEE guide 25: the assessment of learning outcomes fort he compotent and reflective physician. Medical Teacher. 2003;25(6):569-584.
  • Tariq M, Boulet J, Motiwala A, Sajjad N, Kauser Ali S. A 360 degree evaluation of the communication and interpersonal skills of medicine resident physicians in Pakistan. Education for Health. 2014;27(3):269-276.
  • Zhao Y, Zhang X, Chang Q, Sun B. Psychometric characteristics of the 360° feedback scales in professionalism and interpersonal and communication skills assessment of surgery resident in China. Journal of Surgical Education. 2013;70(5):628-635.
  • Oktay C, Senol Y, Rinnert S, Cete Y. Utility of 360-degree assessment of residents in a Turkish academic emergency medicine residency program. Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017;17:12-15.
  • Senol Y, Dicle O, Durak HI. Evaluation of the Dermatology Resident Using the Multisource (360-Degree) Assessment Method. Kuwait Medical Journal. 2009;41(3):205-209.
  • Turner DA, Fleming GM, Winkler M, Lee KJ, Hamilton MF, Hornik CP, Petrillo-Albarano T, Mason K, Mink R. Professionalism and communication education in pediatric critical care medicine: The learner perspective. Academic Pediatrics. 2015;15(4):380-385.
  • Kumcağız H, Yılmaz M, Balcı Çelik S, Aydın Avcı İ. Hemşirelerin iletişim becerileri: Samsun ili örneği. Dicle Tıp Dergisi. 2010;38(1):49-56.
Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 49, 28 - 38, 30.09.2017



  • Halkett GKB, Mckay J, Shaw T. Improving students’ confident levels in communicating with patients and introducing students to the importance of history taking. Radiography. 2011;17:55-60.
  • Smith S, Adam D, Kirkpatrick P. Using solution-focused communication to support patients. Nursing Standart. 2011;25(52):42-47.
  • Lau Y, Wang W. Development and evaluation of a learner-centered training course on communication skills for baccalaurate nursing students. Nurse Education Today. 2013;3:1617-1623.
  • Weissman GV. Evaluating associate degree nursing students’ self-efficacy in communication skills and attitudes in caring fort he dying patient. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 2011;6:64-72.
  • Turan S, Elcin M, Uner S, Odabasi O, Sayek I, Senemoglu N. The impact of clinical visits on communication skills training. Patient Education and Counselling. 2009;77:42-47.
  • Kurtz S, Silverman J, Draper J. Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine. Radcliffe Medical Press. 1998.
  • Silverman J, Kurtz S, Draper J. Skills for communicating with patients. Radcliffe Medical Press. 1999.
  • Hillis DJ, Grigg MJ. Professionalism and the role of medical colleges. The Surgeon. 2015;13:292-299.
  • Bradburn M, Staley H. Professionalism. Surgery. 2012;30(9):499-500.
  • Falcone JL, Claxton RN, Marshall GT. Communication skills training in surgical residency: A need assessment and metacognition analysis of a difficult conversation Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Journal of Surgical Education. 2014;71(3):309-315.
  • Naska TJ, Philibert I, Brigham T, Flynn TC. The Next GME Accreditation System- Rationale and Benefits. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2012;366:1051-1056.
  • Maguire P, Pitceathly C. Key communication skills and how to acquire them. BMJ. 2002;325(7366):697-700.
  • Aspegren K. Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine-a review with quality grading of articles , Medical Teacher 1999;2(21):563-570.
  • Van Dalen J, Prince CJAH, Scherpbier AJJA van der Vleuten CPM. Evaluating Communication Skills. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 1998;3:187-195.
  • Ten Cate TJ, De Haes JCJM. Summative assessment of medical students in the affective domain. Medical Teacher. 2000:22:40-43.
  • Hochberg MS, Berman RS, Kalet AL, Zabar SR, Gillespie C, Pachter HL. The professionalism curriculum as a cultural change agent in surgical residency education. The American Journal of Surgery. 2012:203(1):14-20.
  • Posner G, Nakajima A. Assessing residents’ communication skills:disclosure of and adverse event to a standardized patient. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2011;33(3):262-268.
  • McLachlan JC, Finn G, Macnaughton J. The conscientiousness index: A novel tool to explore students’ professionalism. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2009;84:559-565.
  • Lepsinger R, Lucia AD. The art and science of 360° feedback. An Imprint of Jossey-Bass Inc. 1997.
  • Joshi R, Ling FW, Jaeger J. Assessment of a 360 Degree Instrument to Evaluate Residents’ Competency in Interpersonal and Communication Skills. Academic Medicine. 2004;79(5):458-463.
  • Başterzi AD, Karabilgin ÖS. Psikiyatride iş başında değerlendirme. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. 2009;1(3):297-318.
  • Massagli TL, Carline JD. Reliability of a 360 degree evaluation to assess resident competence. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2007;86:845-852.
  • Shumway JM, Harden RM. AMEE guide 25: the assessment of learning outcomes fort he compotent and reflective physician. Medical Teacher. 2003;25(6):569-584.
  • Tariq M, Boulet J, Motiwala A, Sajjad N, Kauser Ali S. A 360 degree evaluation of the communication and interpersonal skills of medicine resident physicians in Pakistan. Education for Health. 2014;27(3):269-276.
  • Zhao Y, Zhang X, Chang Q, Sun B. Psychometric characteristics of the 360° feedback scales in professionalism and interpersonal and communication skills assessment of surgery resident in China. Journal of Surgical Education. 2013;70(5):628-635.
  • Oktay C, Senol Y, Rinnert S, Cete Y. Utility of 360-degree assessment of residents in a Turkish academic emergency medicine residency program. Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017;17:12-15.
  • Senol Y, Dicle O, Durak HI. Evaluation of the Dermatology Resident Using the Multisource (360-Degree) Assessment Method. Kuwait Medical Journal. 2009;41(3):205-209.
  • Turner DA, Fleming GM, Winkler M, Lee KJ, Hamilton MF, Hornik CP, Petrillo-Albarano T, Mason K, Mink R. Professionalism and communication education in pediatric critical care medicine: The learner perspective. Academic Pediatrics. 2015;15(4):380-385.
  • Kumcağız H, Yılmaz M, Balcı Çelik S, Aydın Avcı İ. Hemşirelerin iletişim becerileri: Samsun ili örneği. Dicle Tıp Dergisi. 2010;38(1):49-56.
There are 29 citations in total.


Journal Section Original Article

Hilal Ülkü

Yeşim Şenol

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Submission Date August 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 16 Issue: 49
