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Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 38 - 53, 01.06.2016


Son yıllardaki teknolojik gelişmelerin artmasıyla birlikte, geçmişi 1940’lı yıllara dayanan radyo frekanslı tanımlama sistemlerinin (RFID) uygulamaları oldukça popüler hale gelmiştir. Okuma mesafelerinin artması ve boyutlardaki küçülme, RFID teknolojisinin çok farklı uygulamalarda kullanılmasına sebep olmuştur. Hayvan tanımlama, izleme ve takip sistemleri, bu teknolojinin hırsızlık ve hileyi önlemede, verilerin toplanması ve depolanmasında etkin olarak kullanıldığı alanlardan bazılarıdır. Son zamanlarda, aktif RFID etiketlere sıcaklık ve pH sensörleri eklenerek elde edilen ve hayvanların rumenine yerleştirilebilen bolus tipi etiketler ile hayvanların vücut sıcaklığı ve rumen pH değerlerinin uzaktan ölçümünü içeren çalışmalar sunulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak literatür ve pratik uygulamalar taranarak RFID tekniklerinin nasıl kullanıldıkları özet karşılaştırmalarla gösterilmiş, son olarak da önerilen sistemlerin problemlere hangi oranda çözüm olabilecekleri tartışılmıştır. Kullanılan yöntemlerin avantaj ve dezavantajları belirtilerek, hayvanların takibinde ve tanımlanmasında RFID teknolojisinin kullanımı ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Antonini C., Trabalza M., Franceschini R., Mughetti L., Acuti G., Asdrubali G., Boiti C., , In vivo mechanical and in vitro electromagnetic side effects of a ruminal transponder in cattle, JANIM SCI, vol. 84, no. 11, p. 3133-3142.
  • Bekkali A., Sanson H., Matsumoto M., 2007, RFID Indoor Positioning based on Probabilistic
  • RFID Map and Kalman Filtering, Third IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. Cappai M.G and Pihra W., 2014, Long term performance of RFID technology in the large scale identification of small ruminants through electronic ceramic boluses: Implications for animal welfare and regulation compliance, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 117, Issues 2– , Pages 169–175.
  • Castro N., Martín D., Castro A., Arguello A., Capote J., Caja G., 2010, Suitability of electronic mini-boluses for early identification of goat kids and effects on growth performance and development of the reticulorumen, JANIM SCI, 88:3464-3469
  • Catarinucci L., Colella, R., Mainetti, L., Mighali, V., Patrono, L., Sergi, I., Tarricone, L., , An Innovative Animals Tracking system based on Passive UHF RFID technology, International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, p:1-7. Chandrud W., Wisanmongkol, J., Ketprom U. 2008. RFID for Poultry Traceability System at
  • Animal Checkpoint, Proceedings of ECTI-CON, p.753-756. Chang C., Han W., Kuo L., 2010, Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Technology in Dairy Herd Electronic Management, /graph/web_structure//files/ Seminar%20(12)-01.pdf (Accessed date: 27.08.2015)
  • Congguo MA, Yeqin W., 2011, The pig breeding Management system Based on RFID and WSN, 4th International Conference on Information and Computing, p.30-33.
  • Doğan H., 2012, PhD Seminary, Suleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science.
  • Domdouzis K., Kumar B., Anumba C., 2007, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) applications: A brief introduction, Advanced Engineering Informatics 21:350–355.
  • Dye T., Richards C.J., Burciaga-Robles L.O., Krehbiel C.R., Step D.L., Fulton R.W., Confer A.W., 2007, Rumen Temperature Boluses for Monitoring health of Feedlot Cattle, Oklahoma
  • State University Agriculture Experiment Station Dziuk P., 2003, Positive, accurate animal identification, Animal Reproduction Science 79: 323
  • Eardrop S., Wounchoum, P., Phongcharoenpanich C., Torrungrueng D., 2008, Effects of ruminal magnets in the vicinity of a bolus Tag of an LF-RFID System, Proceeding ECTI- CON.
  • Eradus W and Jansen M, 1999, Animal Identification and Monitoring, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 24: 91-98.
  • European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers, 2009, Study on the introduction of electronic identification (EID) as official method to identify bovine animals within the European Union, Final Report.
  • Fallon R.J. 2001, The development and use of electronic ruminal boluses as a vehicle for bovine identification, Revue Scientifique et Technique Office International, 20(2), 480-490.
  • FAO/WHO, 2004, Animal Identificiation Practices.
  • Farid Z., Nordin R., Ismail M., 2013, Recent Advances in Wireless Indoor Localization
  • Techniques and System; Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Volume 2013, Article ID 185138.
  • Feng J., Zetian F., Zaiqiong W., Mark X., Xiaoshuan Z., 2013, Development and evaluation on a RFID-based traceability system for cattle/beef quality safety in China, Food Control (31),314-325.
  • Finkenzeller K., 2003, RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart
  • Cards and Identification, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY, USA Garcia L.R., 2011, The Role of RFID in agriculture: Applications, limitations and challenges,
  • Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 79: 42–50 Garin D., Caja G., Bocquier F., 2003, Effects of small ruminal boluses used for electronic identification of lambs on the growth and development of the reticulorumen, J ANIM SCI 81, p.879-884.
  • Gasteiner J., Guggenberger T., Häusler J., Steinwidder A., 2012, Continuous and long term
  • Measurement of reticuloruminal pH in Grazing Dairy Cows by an Indwelling and Wireless Data Transmission, Veterinary Medicine International Volume 2012.
  • Ghirardi J., Caja G., Garín D., Hernández M., Ribó O., Casellas J., 2006, Retention of different size of electronic identification boluses in the forestomachs of sheep, JANIM SCI :2865-2872.
  • Ghirardi J., Caja G., Flores C., Garı´n D., Herna´ndez M., Bocqui F., 2006, Suitability of electronic mini-boluses for early identification of lambs, J ANIM SCI 85:248-257.
  • Ghirardi J., Caja, G., Garín, D., Casellas, J., and Hernández M., 2006, Evaluation of the retention of electronic identification boluses in the forestomachs of cattle, Journal of Animal Science, 84(8), 2260–8.
  • Grubb J., 2010, A Low Cost Automated Livestock Tracking System, Master Thesis,
  • Appalachian State University, Department of Computer Science. /ir/asu /f/Grubb,%20Jason_2010_Thesis.pdf (Accessed date:04.08.2016).
  • Gu Y., Lo A., 2009, A Survey of Indoor Positioning Systems for Wireless Personal Networks,
  • IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol. 11, No. 1. Hong-Da W., 2012. Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Diary
  • Information Management, Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, vol 19. P:78-81. Hoşoğlu M., 2010, RFID Mifare Reader Design, Karadeniz Tecnique University, Graduate
  • School of Natural and Applied Science, Master Thesis. (Accessed date: 22.02.2016). (Accessed date:22.02.2016).
  • Hunt V., Puglia A., Puglia M., 2007, RFID: A Guide to Radio Frequency Identification,
  • Wiley Inderscience, Edition 1, April 10, 2007.
  • Karlson J., Ren K., Li H., 2010, Tracking and Identification of animal for a Digital Zoo, IEEE
  • /ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, p:510-515. Karaca S., 2010, Personal Tracking System with RFID, Maltepe University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Master Thesis.
  • Ketprom U., Mitrpant, C., Makhapun, P., Makwimanloy, S., Laokok, S., 2011, RFID for
  • Cattle Traceability System at Animal Checkpoint, Annual SRII Global Conference, p.517- ,521. Kılıç U. 2010, Use of Wireless Rumen Sensors in Ruminant Nutrition Research, Science
  • Alert an Open Access Publisher. Kim S. H., Kim, D. H., Park H. 2010, Animal Situation Tracking Service Using RFID, GPS and Sensor, Second International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, IEEE Computer Society, p.153-156.
  • Kuru M., 2010, RFID Technology in Auto-Identification Systems and Its Application,
  • Marmara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Master Thesis. Landth J., 2005, The History of RFID, Potentials, IEEE, Volume 24, Issue:4.
  • Liu H., Darabi H., Banerjee P., Liu J., 2007, Survey of Wireless Indoor Positioning
  • Techniques and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol. 37, no. 6. Marchant J, 2002, Secure Animal Identification and Source Verification, JM Communications UK.
  • Mennecke B. and Townsend A., 2005, Radio Frequency Identification Tagging as a
  • Mechanism of Creating a Viable Producer’s Brand in the Cattle Indutsry, MATRIC Research Paper 05-MRP 8. Mottram T, 2010, Is a life time Rumen monitoring Bolus Possible?, The First North American
  • Conference on Precision Dairy Management. Mottram T., Lowe J., McGowan M., Phillips N., 2008, Tecnical Note: A wireless telemetric method of monitoring clinical acidosis in dairy cows, Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 64: 45-48.
  • New Zeeland Ministry Agriculture and Forestry, 2009, Approval of National Animal
  • Identification System, p:8. Nicholson M., Morahan B., 1997, Accessed date: 01.2016.
  • Nogues A, 2013, Commercial Benefits of Routine Monitoring of Rumen pH in Dairy Cows in South West England.
  • Pereira D.P., Dias W., Braga M., 2008, Model to integration of RFID into Wireless Sensor
  • Network for tracking and monitoring animals, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, p.125-131. Philips N. and Mottram T., 2010, Continuous Monitoring of Ruminal pH using Wireless telemetry, Animal Production Science, 50:72-77.
  • Roberts C.M., 2006, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Computer&Security, Vol.25, 26.
  • Rossing W, 1999, Animal Identification: Indtroduction and history, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 24: 1-4.
  • Samad A., Murdeshwar P., Hameed Z., 2010, High credibility RFID based animal data recording System Suitable for Small Holding Rural Dairy Farmers, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 73: 213-218.
  • Shanan C. and Kernon B., 2009, A Framework for beef tarceability from farm to slaughter using global standarts: An Irish Perspective, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture vol.66 p:62-69.
  • Sorrells P., 2000, Optimizing read range in RFID systems,
  • /market_communication/optedn_ps.pdf. Accessed date:30.01.2016.
  • Stankovski S., Ostojic G., Senk I, Skokovic M.R., Trivunovic S., Kucevic D., 2012, Dairy cow monitoring by RFID, Sci. Agric. v.69, n.1, p.75-80
  • Ting J.S.L., 2007, A Dynamic RFID –based Mobile Monitoring System in animal Care
  • Management over a Wireless Network, Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCom 2007, p:2085-2088.
  • International Conference on Wireless Trenkle A., 2000, Experience with an electronic Identification System for Cattle, Beef
  • Research Report Iowa State University. Trenkle A., 2006, Evaluation of Rumen Boluses as an Electronic Identification System for
  • Cattle in an Automated Data Collection System, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. Varese E., Buffagni S., Percivale F., 2008, Application of RFID Technology to the Agro
  • Industrial Sector: Analysis of some case studies, Journal Commodity Sci. Tech. Quality, 47(I- IV), 171-179
  • Volk T, Jansen D, 2012, Implantable RFID sensor platform to monitor vital functions of small animals controlled by network based software, European Conference on Smart Objects,
  • Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Proceedings of 2012, 1-6.
  • Voulodimos A. S. 2010, A Complete Farm Management System Based on Animal
  • Identification Using RFID Technology, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70, 380– Weis S.A., RFID: Principles and Applications, rfid- article.pdf. Accessed date:30.01.2016.
  • Wismans W.M. 1999, Identification and registration of animal in the European Union,
  • Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 24:99-108. Wu N.C., Nystrom M.A., Lin T.R., Yu H.C., 2006, Challenges to global RFID adoption, , Technovation 26:1317–1323.


Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 38 - 53, 01.06.2016


With enhancement of technological advances in recent years, radio frequency identification (RFID) applications, whose history begins in the 1940s, has become quite popular. Decrement of their size and increment in their reading distance has led to the use of RFID technology in different areas commonly. Animal monitoring, tracking and identification systems are some of the application areas where this technology is used effectively to prevent theft and fraud, to increase efficiency and to collect and store essential data. Recently, some studies that involve remote measurements of the body temperature and rumen pH values of animals with bolus type-tags placed in rumen by adding temperature and pH sensors to the active RFID tags have been presented. In this study, firstly having literature search and practical application designs, it was presented that how RFID techniques used in this area with brief comparisons and finally discussed that proposed systems whether or not could be a solution. Indicating the advantages and disadvantages of the application methods in the field, it is tried to express use of RFID technology, in the monitoring, tracking and identification of animals.


  • Antonini C., Trabalza M., Franceschini R., Mughetti L., Acuti G., Asdrubali G., Boiti C., , In vivo mechanical and in vitro electromagnetic side effects of a ruminal transponder in cattle, JANIM SCI, vol. 84, no. 11, p. 3133-3142.
  • Bekkali A., Sanson H., Matsumoto M., 2007, RFID Indoor Positioning based on Probabilistic
  • RFID Map and Kalman Filtering, Third IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. Cappai M.G and Pihra W., 2014, Long term performance of RFID technology in the large scale identification of small ruminants through electronic ceramic boluses: Implications for animal welfare and regulation compliance, Small Ruminant Research, Volume 117, Issues 2– , Pages 169–175.
  • Castro N., Martín D., Castro A., Arguello A., Capote J., Caja G., 2010, Suitability of electronic mini-boluses for early identification of goat kids and effects on growth performance and development of the reticulorumen, JANIM SCI, 88:3464-3469
  • Catarinucci L., Colella, R., Mainetti, L., Mighali, V., Patrono, L., Sergi, I., Tarricone, L., , An Innovative Animals Tracking system based on Passive UHF RFID technology, International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, p:1-7. Chandrud W., Wisanmongkol, J., Ketprom U. 2008. RFID for Poultry Traceability System at
  • Animal Checkpoint, Proceedings of ECTI-CON, p.753-756. Chang C., Han W., Kuo L., 2010, Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Technology in Dairy Herd Electronic Management, /graph/web_structure//files/ Seminar%20(12)-01.pdf (Accessed date: 27.08.2015)
  • Congguo MA, Yeqin W., 2011, The pig breeding Management system Based on RFID and WSN, 4th International Conference on Information and Computing, p.30-33.
  • Doğan H., 2012, PhD Seminary, Suleyman Demirel University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science.
  • Domdouzis K., Kumar B., Anumba C., 2007, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) applications: A brief introduction, Advanced Engineering Informatics 21:350–355.
  • Dye T., Richards C.J., Burciaga-Robles L.O., Krehbiel C.R., Step D.L., Fulton R.W., Confer A.W., 2007, Rumen Temperature Boluses for Monitoring health of Feedlot Cattle, Oklahoma
  • State University Agriculture Experiment Station Dziuk P., 2003, Positive, accurate animal identification, Animal Reproduction Science 79: 323
  • Eardrop S., Wounchoum, P., Phongcharoenpanich C., Torrungrueng D., 2008, Effects of ruminal magnets in the vicinity of a bolus Tag of an LF-RFID System, Proceeding ECTI- CON.
  • Eradus W and Jansen M, 1999, Animal Identification and Monitoring, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 24: 91-98.
  • European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers, 2009, Study on the introduction of electronic identification (EID) as official method to identify bovine animals within the European Union, Final Report.
  • Fallon R.J. 2001, The development and use of electronic ruminal boluses as a vehicle for bovine identification, Revue Scientifique et Technique Office International, 20(2), 480-490.
  • FAO/WHO, 2004, Animal Identificiation Practices.
  • Farid Z., Nordin R., Ismail M., 2013, Recent Advances in Wireless Indoor Localization
  • Techniques and System; Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Volume 2013, Article ID 185138.
  • Feng J., Zetian F., Zaiqiong W., Mark X., Xiaoshuan Z., 2013, Development and evaluation on a RFID-based traceability system for cattle/beef quality safety in China, Food Control (31),314-325.
  • Finkenzeller K., 2003, RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart
  • Cards and Identification, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY, USA Garcia L.R., 2011, The Role of RFID in agriculture: Applications, limitations and challenges,
  • Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 79: 42–50 Garin D., Caja G., Bocquier F., 2003, Effects of small ruminal boluses used for electronic identification of lambs on the growth and development of the reticulorumen, J ANIM SCI 81, p.879-884.
  • Gasteiner J., Guggenberger T., Häusler J., Steinwidder A., 2012, Continuous and long term
  • Measurement of reticuloruminal pH in Grazing Dairy Cows by an Indwelling and Wireless Data Transmission, Veterinary Medicine International Volume 2012.
  • Ghirardi J., Caja G., Garín D., Hernández M., Ribó O., Casellas J., 2006, Retention of different size of electronic identification boluses in the forestomachs of sheep, JANIM SCI :2865-2872.
  • Ghirardi J., Caja G., Flores C., Garı´n D., Herna´ndez M., Bocqui F., 2006, Suitability of electronic mini-boluses for early identification of lambs, J ANIM SCI 85:248-257.
  • Ghirardi J., Caja, G., Garín, D., Casellas, J., and Hernández M., 2006, Evaluation of the retention of electronic identification boluses in the forestomachs of cattle, Journal of Animal Science, 84(8), 2260–8.
  • Grubb J., 2010, A Low Cost Automated Livestock Tracking System, Master Thesis,
  • Appalachian State University, Department of Computer Science. /ir/asu /f/Grubb,%20Jason_2010_Thesis.pdf (Accessed date:04.08.2016).
  • Gu Y., Lo A., 2009, A Survey of Indoor Positioning Systems for Wireless Personal Networks,
  • IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Vol. 11, No. 1. Hong-Da W., 2012. Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Diary
  • Information Management, Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, vol 19. P:78-81. Hoşoğlu M., 2010, RFID Mifare Reader Design, Karadeniz Tecnique University, Graduate
  • School of Natural and Applied Science, Master Thesis. (Accessed date: 22.02.2016). (Accessed date:22.02.2016).
  • Hunt V., Puglia A., Puglia M., 2007, RFID: A Guide to Radio Frequency Identification,
  • Wiley Inderscience, Edition 1, April 10, 2007.
  • Karlson J., Ren K., Li H., 2010, Tracking and Identification of animal for a Digital Zoo, IEEE
  • /ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, p:510-515. Karaca S., 2010, Personal Tracking System with RFID, Maltepe University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Master Thesis.
  • Ketprom U., Mitrpant, C., Makhapun, P., Makwimanloy, S., Laokok, S., 2011, RFID for
  • Cattle Traceability System at Animal Checkpoint, Annual SRII Global Conference, p.517- ,521. Kılıç U. 2010, Use of Wireless Rumen Sensors in Ruminant Nutrition Research, Science
  • Alert an Open Access Publisher. Kim S. H., Kim, D. H., Park H. 2010, Animal Situation Tracking Service Using RFID, GPS and Sensor, Second International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, IEEE Computer Society, p.153-156.
  • Kuru M., 2010, RFID Technology in Auto-Identification Systems and Its Application,
  • Marmara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Master Thesis. Landth J., 2005, The History of RFID, Potentials, IEEE, Volume 24, Issue:4.
  • Liu H., Darabi H., Banerjee P., Liu J., 2007, Survey of Wireless Indoor Positioning
  • Techniques and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol. 37, no. 6. Marchant J, 2002, Secure Animal Identification and Source Verification, JM Communications UK.
  • Mennecke B. and Townsend A., 2005, Radio Frequency Identification Tagging as a
  • Mechanism of Creating a Viable Producer’s Brand in the Cattle Indutsry, MATRIC Research Paper 05-MRP 8. Mottram T, 2010, Is a life time Rumen monitoring Bolus Possible?, The First North American
  • Conference on Precision Dairy Management. Mottram T., Lowe J., McGowan M., Phillips N., 2008, Tecnical Note: A wireless telemetric method of monitoring clinical acidosis in dairy cows, Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 64: 45-48.
  • New Zeeland Ministry Agriculture and Forestry, 2009, Approval of National Animal
  • Identification System, p:8. Nicholson M., Morahan B., 1997, Accessed date: 01.2016.
  • Nogues A, 2013, Commercial Benefits of Routine Monitoring of Rumen pH in Dairy Cows in South West England.
  • Pereira D.P., Dias W., Braga M., 2008, Model to integration of RFID into Wireless Sensor
  • Network for tracking and monitoring animals, 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, p.125-131. Philips N. and Mottram T., 2010, Continuous Monitoring of Ruminal pH using Wireless telemetry, Animal Production Science, 50:72-77.
  • Roberts C.M., 2006, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Computer&Security, Vol.25, 26.
  • Rossing W, 1999, Animal Identification: Indtroduction and history, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 24: 1-4.
  • Samad A., Murdeshwar P., Hameed Z., 2010, High credibility RFID based animal data recording System Suitable for Small Holding Rural Dairy Farmers, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 73: 213-218.
  • Shanan C. and Kernon B., 2009, A Framework for beef tarceability from farm to slaughter using global standarts: An Irish Perspective, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture vol.66 p:62-69.
  • Sorrells P., 2000, Optimizing read range in RFID systems,
  • /market_communication/optedn_ps.pdf. Accessed date:30.01.2016.
  • Stankovski S., Ostojic G., Senk I, Skokovic M.R., Trivunovic S., Kucevic D., 2012, Dairy cow monitoring by RFID, Sci. Agric. v.69, n.1, p.75-80
  • Ting J.S.L., 2007, A Dynamic RFID –based Mobile Monitoring System in animal Care
  • Management over a Wireless Network, Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCom 2007, p:2085-2088.
  • International Conference on Wireless Trenkle A., 2000, Experience with an electronic Identification System for Cattle, Beef
  • Research Report Iowa State University. Trenkle A., 2006, Evaluation of Rumen Boluses as an Electronic Identification System for
  • Cattle in an Automated Data Collection System, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report. Varese E., Buffagni S., Percivale F., 2008, Application of RFID Technology to the Agro
  • Industrial Sector: Analysis of some case studies, Journal Commodity Sci. Tech. Quality, 47(I- IV), 171-179
  • Volk T, Jansen D, 2012, Implantable RFID sensor platform to monitor vital functions of small animals controlled by network based software, European Conference on Smart Objects,
  • Systems and Technologies (SmartSysTech), Proceedings of 2012, 1-6.
  • Voulodimos A. S. 2010, A Complete Farm Management System Based on Animal
  • Identification Using RFID Technology, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70, 380– Weis S.A., RFID: Principles and Applications, rfid- article.pdf. Accessed date:30.01.2016.
  • Wismans W.M. 1999, Identification and registration of animal in the European Union,
  • Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 24:99-108. Wu N.C., Nystrom M.A., Lin T.R., Yu H.C., 2006, Challenges to global RFID adoption, , Technovation 26:1317–1323.
There are 72 citations in total.


Other ID JA86DY62JY
Journal Section Articles

Habib Doğan

Mehmet Fatih Çağlar This is me

Musa Yavuz This is me

Mahmut Ahmet Gözel This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


IEEE H. Doğan, M. F. Çağlar, M. Yavuz, and M. A. Gözel, “HAYVAN İZLEMEDE RADYO FREKANSLI TANIMLAMA SİSTEMLERİNİN KULLANIMI”, IJTS, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 38–53, 2016.

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