Research Article
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Year 2019, , 66 - 74, 29.04.2019



  • Al-Khresheh, M.H. (2016) 'A review study of error analysis theory', International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 2(1), pp. 49-59. Berger, R.E. (2014) Writing for engineers and scientists. New Jersey: IEEE Press. Bett, J. (2010) ‘Error analysis: the ESL learners’ dilemma’, The International Journal of Learning,17 (1). pp. 525-535 Barrett, N.E and Chen, L. (2011) 'English article errors in Taiwanese college students' EFL writing', Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 16(3), pp. 1-120. British Educational Research Association (BERA) (2011) Ethical guidelines for educational research. Available at: Guidelines-2011.pdf (Accessed: 27 February 2018). British Council (2013) Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2018). Bolton, G (2010) Reflective Practice. SAGE: London Brockbank, A and McGill, I (2007) Facilitating reflective learning in higher education. McGraw Hill: Backshire Bush, T. (2012) ‘Authenticity in research: reliability, validity and triangulation’, in Briggs, A.R.J, Coleman, M and Morrison, M. (ed.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. London: SAGE, pp. 75-89 Clement, A and Murugavell, T. (2015) 'English for employability: a case study of the English language training need analysis for engineering students in India' English Language Teaching, 8(2), pp. 116-125. doi: 10.5539/elt.v8n2p116. Corder, S.P. (1981) Error analysis and interlangugae. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fox, D. (1983) ‘Personal theories of teaching’, Studies in Higher Education, 8, pp. 151-163. doi:10.1080/03075078312331379014 Draper, S. (2013) Social constructivism. Available at: (Accessed: 10 March 2018) Dusen, E. V (2016) Mapping educational technology. Available at: (Accessed: 27 March 2018) Dolasinski, M.J. (2004) Training the trainer. Prentice Hall: New Jersey Evans, S. (2010) 'Business as usual: the use of English in the professional world in Hong Kong', Elsevier, 29(10), pp. 153-167. Heydari, P and Bagheri, M.S. (2012) 'Error analysis: sources of L2 learners’ errors', Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(8), pp. 1583-1589. Hibberts, M.F and Johnson, R.B. (2012) ‘Mixed methods research’, in Briggs, A.R.J, Coleman, M and Morrison, M. (ed.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. London: SAGE, pp. 123-139 Illeris, K. (2009) 'A comprehensive understanding of human learning', in Illeris, K. (ed.) Contemporary theories of learning. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 7-20. Jarvis, P. (2009) ‘Learning to be a person in a society: learning to be a me’, in Illeris, K. (ed.) Contemporary theories of learning. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 21-34. Johnson, K.E and Golombek, P.R (2011) 'The transformative power of narrative in second language teacher education', Tesol Quarterly, 45(3), 486-508. Jung, N. (2013) 'Putting adult back into adult ESL education', International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 6(3), 557-579. Kegan, R. (2009) ‘What ‘form’ transforms? A constructive-developmental approach to transformative learning’. in Illeris, K. (ed.) Contemporary theories of learning. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 35-52. Kassim, H. and Ali, F. (2010) ‘English communicative events and skills needed at the workplace: Feedback from the industry’, Elsevier, 29(10) pp. 168-182. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2017) Kaewpet, C. (2009) 'Communication needs of Thai civil engineering students', Elsevier, 28(4), pp. 222-278 Kramberg-Walker, C. (1993) ‘The need to provide writing support for academic engineers’, IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 36(3), pp. 130-136 Kim, E.G and Shin, A (2014) ‘Seeking an effective program to improve communication skills of Non-English-speaking graduate engineering students: The case of a Korean engineering college’ IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 57(1), pp.41-54 Keane, A and Gibson, I.S (1999) ‘Communication trends in engineering firms: Implications for undergraduate engineering courses’, International Journal of Engineering Education,15(2), pp. 115-121. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2017) Knievel, M, Heaney, A and Baalen-Wood, M.V. (2010) 'Breaking the rules: teaching grammar “wrong” for the right results in technical communication consulting for engineers', IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 53(1), pp. 58-68. Moslehifara, M.A and Ibrahimb, N.A. (2012) 'English language oral communication needs at the workplace: feedback from human resource development trainees' Elsevier, , 66(12), pp. 529-536. Norton, L.S. (2009) Action research in teaching and learning. Oxon: Routledge. Orr, T. (2003) 'Introduction to the special issue', IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 46(3), pp. 153-156. Oxford, R.L (1997) 'Cooperative learning, collaborative learning, and interaction: three communicative strands in the language classroom', Wiley, 81(4), 443-456. Pritchard, A and Woollard. (2013) Psychology for the Classroom: Constructivism and Social Learning. Routledge. Rider, M.L. (1954) 'Engineers are writers too', College English, 15(5), pp. 291-292. doi: 10.2307/372545. Reinhardt, J. (2010) 'Directives in office hour consultations: a corpus-informed investigation of learner and expert usage', Elsevier, 29(1), 97-107. Schwarzer, D. (2009) 'Best practices for teaching the "whole' adult ESL learner', Wiley Interscience, 121(9), pp. 25-33. doi: 10.1002/ace.322. Spence, P and Liu, G (2013) ‘Engineering English and the high-tech industry: A case study of an English needs analysis of process integration engineers at a semiconductor manufacturing company in Taiwan’, English for Specific Purposes,32(2), pp. 97-109. Available at: (Accessed:28 November 2017) Taylor, S. S. (2006) 'Assessment in client-based technical writing class: evolution of teacher and client standards', Technical Communication Quarterly, 12(2), pp. 111-139. Tichy, H.J. (1988) Effective writing for engineers, managers, scientists. United States: Wiley-Blackwell Veer, R.V.D. (2007) Lev Vygotsky. London: Bloomsbury. Wallace, J. (1998) Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wardle, R.M. (1943) 'More English for engineers?', College English, 5(2), pp. 91-93. doi: 10.2307/370967. Wheelan, L. (2010) Competency-based training, powerful knowledge and the working class’, in Maton. K and Moore, R (ed.) Social realism, knowledge and the sociology of education. London: SAGE, pp. 93-111. Whitcomb, C.A and Whitcomb, L.E (2013) Effective interpersonal and team communication skills for engineers. New Jersey: Willey. Wilson, E. (2017) 'Carrying out and reporting on classroom-based research', in Wilson, E. (ed.) School-based research. London: SAGE, pp. 77-102. Young, M and Muller, J. (2010) ‘Knowledge and truth in the sociology of education’, in Maton. K and Moore, R (ed.) Social realism, knowledge and the sociology of education. London: SAGE, pp. 110-130


Year 2019, , 66 - 74, 29.04.2019


This study examined
the need to provide English communication training to engineers and quantity
surveyors (QS) in the United Arab
Emirates. Engineers and quantity surveyors working in Dubai need communication
skills training to use English effectively in their workplace. Moreover, to
plan effective English as a Second
Language (ESL) lessons for trainees, there is a need to conduct an Error
Analysis from their written reports, which are
submitted to UK based professional certification exam centre. 
Therefore, there is a global need for using English at engineering and
quantity surveying workplace as English is a lingua franca. This research has
identified the tasks that require English and common mistakes made by QS and
engineers. The research has also discussed the existing curricula for engineers
and their barriers. After collecting the results from survey and Error Analysis, a collaborative ESL program is
developed. The findings indicate that there is a strong need to provide
customized ESL training programs to the QS and engineers in UAE.  It is also found that English is of great
importance for the working professionals in listening, reading, writing and
speaking skills. These findings are significant because they show that fluency
in English is an essential requirement in today’s world. The findings of the
intervention also show that there is a need to provide ESL training integrated
with Vygotsky’s social constructivism theory. Moreover, the results also show
that the Error Analysis can help in designing a
useful course for corporate
trainees. The paper recommends that such training programs should be provided
to all types of profession for their career growth.  


  • Al-Khresheh, M.H. (2016) 'A review study of error analysis theory', International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 2(1), pp. 49-59. Berger, R.E. (2014) Writing for engineers and scientists. New Jersey: IEEE Press. Bett, J. (2010) ‘Error analysis: the ESL learners’ dilemma’, The International Journal of Learning,17 (1). pp. 525-535 Barrett, N.E and Chen, L. (2011) 'English article errors in Taiwanese college students' EFL writing', Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 16(3), pp. 1-120. British Educational Research Association (BERA) (2011) Ethical guidelines for educational research. Available at: Guidelines-2011.pdf (Accessed: 27 February 2018). British Council (2013) Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2018). Bolton, G (2010) Reflective Practice. SAGE: London Brockbank, A and McGill, I (2007) Facilitating reflective learning in higher education. McGraw Hill: Backshire Bush, T. (2012) ‘Authenticity in research: reliability, validity and triangulation’, in Briggs, A.R.J, Coleman, M and Morrison, M. (ed.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. London: SAGE, pp. 75-89 Clement, A and Murugavell, T. (2015) 'English for employability: a case study of the English language training need analysis for engineering students in India' English Language Teaching, 8(2), pp. 116-125. doi: 10.5539/elt.v8n2p116. Corder, S.P. (1981) Error analysis and interlangugae. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fox, D. (1983) ‘Personal theories of teaching’, Studies in Higher Education, 8, pp. 151-163. doi:10.1080/03075078312331379014 Draper, S. (2013) Social constructivism. Available at: (Accessed: 10 March 2018) Dusen, E. V (2016) Mapping educational technology. Available at: (Accessed: 27 March 2018) Dolasinski, M.J. (2004) Training the trainer. Prentice Hall: New Jersey Evans, S. (2010) 'Business as usual: the use of English in the professional world in Hong Kong', Elsevier, 29(10), pp. 153-167. Heydari, P and Bagheri, M.S. (2012) 'Error analysis: sources of L2 learners’ errors', Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(8), pp. 1583-1589. Hibberts, M.F and Johnson, R.B. (2012) ‘Mixed methods research’, in Briggs, A.R.J, Coleman, M and Morrison, M. (ed.) Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management. London: SAGE, pp. 123-139 Illeris, K. (2009) 'A comprehensive understanding of human learning', in Illeris, K. (ed.) Contemporary theories of learning. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 7-20. Jarvis, P. (2009) ‘Learning to be a person in a society: learning to be a me’, in Illeris, K. (ed.) Contemporary theories of learning. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 21-34. Johnson, K.E and Golombek, P.R (2011) 'The transformative power of narrative in second language teacher education', Tesol Quarterly, 45(3), 486-508. Jung, N. (2013) 'Putting adult back into adult ESL education', International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 6(3), 557-579. Kegan, R. (2009) ‘What ‘form’ transforms? A constructive-developmental approach to transformative learning’. in Illeris, K. (ed.) Contemporary theories of learning. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 35-52. Kassim, H. and Ali, F. (2010) ‘English communicative events and skills needed at the workplace: Feedback from the industry’, Elsevier, 29(10) pp. 168-182. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2017) Kaewpet, C. (2009) 'Communication needs of Thai civil engineering students', Elsevier, 28(4), pp. 222-278 Kramberg-Walker, C. (1993) ‘The need to provide writing support for academic engineers’, IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 36(3), pp. 130-136 Kim, E.G and Shin, A (2014) ‘Seeking an effective program to improve communication skills of Non-English-speaking graduate engineering students: The case of a Korean engineering college’ IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 57(1), pp.41-54 Keane, A and Gibson, I.S (1999) ‘Communication trends in engineering firms: Implications for undergraduate engineering courses’, International Journal of Engineering Education,15(2), pp. 115-121. Available at: (Accessed: 28 November 2017) Knievel, M, Heaney, A and Baalen-Wood, M.V. (2010) 'Breaking the rules: teaching grammar “wrong” for the right results in technical communication consulting for engineers', IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 53(1), pp. 58-68. Moslehifara, M.A and Ibrahimb, N.A. (2012) 'English language oral communication needs at the workplace: feedback from human resource development trainees' Elsevier, , 66(12), pp. 529-536. Norton, L.S. (2009) Action research in teaching and learning. Oxon: Routledge. Orr, T. (2003) 'Introduction to the special issue', IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 46(3), pp. 153-156. Oxford, R.L (1997) 'Cooperative learning, collaborative learning, and interaction: three communicative strands in the language classroom', Wiley, 81(4), 443-456. Pritchard, A and Woollard. (2013) Psychology for the Classroom: Constructivism and Social Learning. Routledge. Rider, M.L. (1954) 'Engineers are writers too', College English, 15(5), pp. 291-292. doi: 10.2307/372545. Reinhardt, J. (2010) 'Directives in office hour consultations: a corpus-informed investigation of learner and expert usage', Elsevier, 29(1), 97-107. Schwarzer, D. (2009) 'Best practices for teaching the "whole' adult ESL learner', Wiley Interscience, 121(9), pp. 25-33. doi: 10.1002/ace.322. Spence, P and Liu, G (2013) ‘Engineering English and the high-tech industry: A case study of an English needs analysis of process integration engineers at a semiconductor manufacturing company in Taiwan’, English for Specific Purposes,32(2), pp. 97-109. Available at: (Accessed:28 November 2017) Taylor, S. S. (2006) 'Assessment in client-based technical writing class: evolution of teacher and client standards', Technical Communication Quarterly, 12(2), pp. 111-139. Tichy, H.J. (1988) Effective writing for engineers, managers, scientists. United States: Wiley-Blackwell Veer, R.V.D. (2007) Lev Vygotsky. London: Bloomsbury. Wallace, J. (1998) Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wardle, R.M. (1943) 'More English for engineers?', College English, 5(2), pp. 91-93. doi: 10.2307/370967. Wheelan, L. (2010) Competency-based training, powerful knowledge and the working class’, in Maton. K and Moore, R (ed.) Social realism, knowledge and the sociology of education. London: SAGE, pp. 93-111. Whitcomb, C.A and Whitcomb, L.E (2013) Effective interpersonal and team communication skills for engineers. New Jersey: Willey. Wilson, E. (2017) 'Carrying out and reporting on classroom-based research', in Wilson, E. (ed.) School-based research. London: SAGE, pp. 77-102. Young, M and Muller, J. (2010) ‘Knowledge and truth in the sociology of education’, in Maton. K and Moore, R (ed.) Social realism, knowledge and the sociology of education. London: SAGE, pp. 110-130
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Huma Adnan

Publication Date April 29, 2019
Submission Date February 8, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


EndNote Adnan H (April 1, 2019) THE NEED TO PROVIDE ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO THE ENGINEERS AND THE QUANTITY SURVEYORS. IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education 5 13 66–74.

 Published and Sponsored by OCERINT International © 2015 - 2023


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