Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

1. For research in all branches of metallurgy, materials science and engineering and on clinical and experimental humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision;
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observation, experiments, interview techniques,
Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical trials on humans,
Research on animals,
In accordance with the personal data protection law, separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for retrospective studies, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
Information about the authorization (board name, date and number) should be included in the article.
During manuscript upload, the Ethics Committee Approval file must be uploaded to the system in addition to the manuscript file.
In addition, in case presentations, information on the signature of the informed consent/assent form must be included in the article.
2. It should be stated in the article whether legal/private authorization is required. If the study involves an application conducted in an institution, the date, decision, or authorization number from the relevant institution should be clearly stated.
3. To use scales, questionnaires, and photographs belonging to others, permission must be obtained from their owners, which must be stated in the article (with reference).
4. As a result of the analysis of the article with iThenticate or other similar programmes, the total similarity level should be below 20%.
5. Authors, Referees and Editors must comply with ethical rules.
Authors: Only those contributing to the relevant study should be considered authors. Conflict of interest must be declared at the end of the article.
Reviewers: Referees should consult the Editor regarding the evaluation process in case of any doubt regarding conflict of interest.
Editors: The Editor, Associate Editor, or Field Editor appoints at least 2 people as referees to evaluate the article. The names of the referees who evaluate the manuscripts are not notified to the authors. In addition, the Editor, Associate Editor, or Field Editor manages the peer review process and can reject the manuscript if any conflict of interest is detected.
6. Authors are deemed to have accepted and declared that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied with in the submitted articles.
7. The International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) should be considered in scientific manuscripts submitted to journals.
8. Copyright regulations must be complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
9. At the end of the article, a "Support" or "Acknowledgement" and "Conflict of Interest" declaration should be given.
In the title "Support" or "Acknowledgement", if the study was supported by an institution or BAP, the support should be indicated with the project number.
In addition, if there are those who did not take part in the article as an author but supported the research at the stage of data collection, etc., they can be thanked.
To clarify the issue of conflict of interest, authors should declare whether there is any "Conflict of Interest" at the end of the article.