e-ISSN: 2667-6850
Founded: 2018
Publisher: Nuri Paşa ÖZER
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Journal of Critical Communication Studies is a national, peer-reviewed, electronic journal published twice a year.
The basis of the journal's publication policy is to highlight different approaches in the field of communication by including critical studies in the field of communication. In line with this aim, all kinds of critical studies that will contribute to the field of communication sciences will be evaluated by our journal. Critical Communication Studies Journal includes research, evaluation, autoethnographic articles, book reviews, and translations prepared in Turkish or English. Articles prepared in other languages or in languages other than Turkish where Latin letters are not used are not accepted. APA 7 guidelines should be used to cite sources in these languages.

No fee is charged for the studies submitted to our journal.

The manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Critical Communication Studies are subjected to a double-blind refereeing process after the preliminary review of the editorial board.

Journal of Critical Communication Studies is indexed by Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), ResearchBib, ESJI, DRJI, Asos Index, and CiteFactor, and DOI numbers are given to the studies.