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Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 27 & 28 -Joint Issue, 75 - 84, 03.05.2024



  • Acebal Exposito, M. C. 2011. Environmental Awareness and Teacher Training. Ensenanza de Las Ciencias, 29 (1), 148–149.
  • Almeida, S. C. (2015). Environmental Education & Teacher Education. Environmental Education in a Climate of Reform, 11-42
  • Bercasio, R. (2022) Effectiveness of "Greening" the Professional Education Courses in Teacher Education Program in the National Network of Normal Schools. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science (RIELS) Journal, 3(3), 420-431.
  • Calero, M., Garcia-Berlanga, A., Solis, U. and Pena, A. (2019) Education for Sustainability in Secondary Teacher Training of Experimental Science. Ensenanza de Las Ciencias. Revista de Investigacion y Experiencias Didacticas, 37 (1),157–175.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education.6th ed. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Damoah, B., &Adu, E. O. (2019). Challenges teachers face in the integration of Environmental Education into the South African curriculum. American Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research (IJHSSR), 3(10), 157-166
  • Damoah, B., Omodan, B. (2023). Tracing The Footprints of Environmental Education in Teacher Education: A Review of Pre-Service Teachers’ Training in Universities. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 14(5),184-196.
  • Durrani, R., Malik, S., &Jumani, N. B. (2019). Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Pre-Service Teachers Education Curriculum at Pakistan: Current Status and Future Directions. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 5(2), 67- 84.
  • Esa, N. (2010) Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Student Teachers. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 19 (1),39–50.
  • Gursoy, E. & Saglam, T (2011) ELT Teacher Trainees’ Attitudes Towards Environmental Education and Their Tendency to Use it in the Language Classroom. Journal of International Education Research, 7(4), 47-52.
  • Gursoy, E. (2010). Implementing environmental education to foreign language teaching to young learners. Educational Research, 1, (8), 232-238.
  • Hofman, M. (2015) What is an Education for Sustainable Development Supposed to Achieve- A Question of What, How and Why? Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 9 (2), 213–228.
  • Huoponen, A. (2023) Expert Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Students’ Environmental Literacy and the Practice of Environmental Education. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 14(1), 112-136.
  • Junger, A., Yamaguchi, C., Oliveira, V., Oliveira, M., Brito, M., Lui, M., Souza, V. and Santos, A. (2023) Initial Training of Teachers for the Development of Environmental Practices in Basic Education: A Field Research. RGSA, 17(10), 1-14.
  • Kassahun, D. (2007). Challenges and Opportunities of Mainstreaming Environmental Education into the Curricula of Teachers’ Colleges of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 27(2), 1- 24.
  • Kuvac, M, and Koc, I (2019) The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on the Environmental Attitudes of Preservice Science Teachers. Educational Studies, 45 (5), 646–694.
  • Liu, Y., Yeh, S., Liang, S., Fang, W., & Tsai, H. (2015). A National investigation of teachers’ environmental literacy as a reference for promoting environmental education in Taiwan. The Journal of Environmental Education, 46(2), 114-132.
  • Lui, C., Tsang, P., & Chan, S. (1999). A study of environmental attitude, behavior and knowledge of teacher trainees. The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 16th Annual Conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.
  • Maijala, M., Heikkola, L., Kuusalu, S., Laine, P., Mutta, M., & Mantyla, K. (2023). Pre-service language teachers’ perceptions of sustainability and its implementation in language teaching. Language Teaching Research, 1–30.
  • Merkel, J. and Litten, L. (2007). The Sustainability Challenge. New Directions. Instit. Res., 134, 7-26.
  • Martin-Ezpeleta, A, and Echegoyen-Sanz, Y. (2020) Environmental Attitudes in the Literature Classroom with Preservice Teachers. Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formacion de Profesorado, 24 (1), 184–202.
  • Mashaba, M., Maile, S. & Manaka, E. (2022) Learners’ Knowledge of Environmental Education in Selected Primary Schools of the Tshwane North District, Gauteng Province. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health, 1-11.
  • Mosothwane, M., &Ndwapi, G. (2012). Training pre-service teachers in environmental education: The case of colleges of education in Botswana. International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, 5(1), 26-37.
  • Ogunyemi, B., & Ifegbesan, A. (2011). Environmental literacy among pre-service social studies teachers: A review of the Nigerian experience. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 10(1), 7-19.
  • Putri, G. A. P. E. I. (2018). Critical environmental education in tertiary English language teaching (ELT): a collaborative digital storytelling project. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(2), 336–344.
  • Ralph, M. & Stubbs, W. (2014) Integrating environmental sustainability into universities. High Educ. 67, 71–90.
  • Ruthanam, M. & Reddy, P. (2021) Teachers’ Choices of Teaching Methods for Environmental Education: A case study of Life Skills teachers at a primary school in South Africa. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 37(1),124-142.
  • Saglam, G. & Gursoy, E. (2010) ELT teacher trainees’ awareness on environmental issues and their integration to the curriculum. Proceedings from ICONTE-International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications.
  • Tang, Y. (2009) The preliminary study for incorporating environmental education into English curriculum and teaching. Dahan: Dahan Institute of Technology.
  • Tilbury, D. (1992) Environmental Education within Pre-Service Teacher Education: The Priority of Priorities. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 11 (4), 267–280.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO). (2010). Teaching and learning for a sustainable future.
  • Uzun, N. (2012) A sample of microteaching in environmental education and its effect on pre-service teachers’ presenting effective lessons. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 13(1), 1-21.
  • Veselinovsk, S. & Kirova, S. (2013) Blending the Teaching of Environmental Matters and English as a Second or Foreign Language in Macedonia. NATURA MONTENEGRINA, Podgorica, 12(3-4),1065-1071.
  • Yastibaş, A. (2021). Preservice English Language Teacher Education in the Anthropocene. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 5(2), 347-359.
  • Zelenski, J., Dopko, M. and Capaldi, C. (2015) Cooperation is in Our Nature: Nature Exposure May Promote Cooperative and Environmentally Sustainable Behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 24–31.


Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 27 & 28 -Joint Issue, 75 - 84, 03.05.2024


The need to include environmental issues such as air pollution, deforestation, and global warming in teacher education programmes is growing. This suggests that in order to increase their students' awareness of environmental issues and how to be responsible citizens, English language instructors should incorporate both local and worldwide environmental sustainability topics into their teaching practice. That is not the case in Libya, where the environment sustainability is neglected in most of the Libyan stages of education. The purpose of this study is to investigate the trial of using micro teaching to incorporate environmental sustainability into English language ‘Teaching Methods courses’. It is conducted in Sabratha College of Arts and Education in the English Department. Based on reflection journals from 31 preservice teachers, instructor notes, and focus group, the findings of this study demonstrate how including environmental sustainability in the curriculum enhanced the preservice teachers' academic performance, autonomy, and teaching skills. Additionally, it helped them better understand their self-worth, and the positive roles that they can play in the Libyan society. This study's findings add to the body of knowledge that emphasizes the significance of addressing environmental sustainability at all educational levels.


  • Acebal Exposito, M. C. 2011. Environmental Awareness and Teacher Training. Ensenanza de Las Ciencias, 29 (1), 148–149.
  • Almeida, S. C. (2015). Environmental Education & Teacher Education. Environmental Education in a Climate of Reform, 11-42
  • Bercasio, R. (2022) Effectiveness of "Greening" the Professional Education Courses in Teacher Education Program in the National Network of Normal Schools. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science (RIELS) Journal, 3(3), 420-431.
  • Calero, M., Garcia-Berlanga, A., Solis, U. and Pena, A. (2019) Education for Sustainability in Secondary Teacher Training of Experimental Science. Ensenanza de Las Ciencias. Revista de Investigacion y Experiencias Didacticas, 37 (1),157–175.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education.6th ed. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Damoah, B., &Adu, E. O. (2019). Challenges teachers face in the integration of Environmental Education into the South African curriculum. American Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research (IJHSSR), 3(10), 157-166
  • Damoah, B., Omodan, B. (2023). Tracing The Footprints of Environmental Education in Teacher Education: A Review of Pre-Service Teachers’ Training in Universities. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 14(5),184-196.
  • Durrani, R., Malik, S., &Jumani, N. B. (2019). Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Pre-Service Teachers Education Curriculum at Pakistan: Current Status and Future Directions. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 5(2), 67- 84.
  • Esa, N. (2010) Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Student Teachers. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 19 (1),39–50.
  • Gursoy, E. & Saglam, T (2011) ELT Teacher Trainees’ Attitudes Towards Environmental Education and Their Tendency to Use it in the Language Classroom. Journal of International Education Research, 7(4), 47-52.
  • Gursoy, E. (2010). Implementing environmental education to foreign language teaching to young learners. Educational Research, 1, (8), 232-238.
  • Hofman, M. (2015) What is an Education for Sustainable Development Supposed to Achieve- A Question of What, How and Why? Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 9 (2), 213–228.
  • Huoponen, A. (2023) Expert Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Students’ Environmental Literacy and the Practice of Environmental Education. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 14(1), 112-136.
  • Junger, A., Yamaguchi, C., Oliveira, V., Oliveira, M., Brito, M., Lui, M., Souza, V. and Santos, A. (2023) Initial Training of Teachers for the Development of Environmental Practices in Basic Education: A Field Research. RGSA, 17(10), 1-14.
  • Kassahun, D. (2007). Challenges and Opportunities of Mainstreaming Environmental Education into the Curricula of Teachers’ Colleges of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Education, 27(2), 1- 24.
  • Kuvac, M, and Koc, I (2019) The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on the Environmental Attitudes of Preservice Science Teachers. Educational Studies, 45 (5), 646–694.
  • Liu, Y., Yeh, S., Liang, S., Fang, W., & Tsai, H. (2015). A National investigation of teachers’ environmental literacy as a reference for promoting environmental education in Taiwan. The Journal of Environmental Education, 46(2), 114-132.
  • Lui, C., Tsang, P., & Chan, S. (1999). A study of environmental attitude, behavior and knowledge of teacher trainees. The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 16th Annual Conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.
  • Maijala, M., Heikkola, L., Kuusalu, S., Laine, P., Mutta, M., & Mantyla, K. (2023). Pre-service language teachers’ perceptions of sustainability and its implementation in language teaching. Language Teaching Research, 1–30.
  • Merkel, J. and Litten, L. (2007). The Sustainability Challenge. New Directions. Instit. Res., 134, 7-26.
  • Martin-Ezpeleta, A, and Echegoyen-Sanz, Y. (2020) Environmental Attitudes in the Literature Classroom with Preservice Teachers. Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formacion de Profesorado, 24 (1), 184–202.
  • Mashaba, M., Maile, S. & Manaka, E. (2022) Learners’ Knowledge of Environmental Education in Selected Primary Schools of the Tshwane North District, Gauteng Province. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health, 1-11.
  • Mosothwane, M., &Ndwapi, G. (2012). Training pre-service teachers in environmental education: The case of colleges of education in Botswana. International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, 5(1), 26-37.
  • Ogunyemi, B., & Ifegbesan, A. (2011). Environmental literacy among pre-service social studies teachers: A review of the Nigerian experience. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 10(1), 7-19.
  • Putri, G. A. P. E. I. (2018). Critical environmental education in tertiary English language teaching (ELT): a collaborative digital storytelling project. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(2), 336–344.
  • Ralph, M. & Stubbs, W. (2014) Integrating environmental sustainability into universities. High Educ. 67, 71–90.
  • Ruthanam, M. & Reddy, P. (2021) Teachers’ Choices of Teaching Methods for Environmental Education: A case study of Life Skills teachers at a primary school in South Africa. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 37(1),124-142.
  • Saglam, G. & Gursoy, E. (2010) ELT teacher trainees’ awareness on environmental issues and their integration to the curriculum. Proceedings from ICONTE-International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications.
  • Tang, Y. (2009) The preliminary study for incorporating environmental education into English curriculum and teaching. Dahan: Dahan Institute of Technology.
  • Tilbury, D. (1992) Environmental Education within Pre-Service Teacher Education: The Priority of Priorities. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 11 (4), 267–280.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO). (2010). Teaching and learning for a sustainable future.
  • Uzun, N. (2012) A sample of microteaching in environmental education and its effect on pre-service teachers’ presenting effective lessons. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 13(1), 1-21.
  • Veselinovsk, S. & Kirova, S. (2013) Blending the Teaching of Environmental Matters and English as a Second or Foreign Language in Macedonia. NATURA MONTENEGRINA, Podgorica, 12(3-4),1065-1071.
  • Yastibaş, A. (2021). Preservice English Language Teacher Education in the Anthropocene. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 5(2), 347-359.
  • Zelenski, J., Dopko, M. and Capaldi, C. (2015) Cooperation is in Our Nature: Nature Exposure May Promote Cooperative and Environmentally Sustainable Behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 24–31.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication and Media Studies (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Hameda Suwaed

Early Pub Date April 22, 2024
Publication Date May 3, 2024
Submission Date February 8, 2024
Acceptance Date March 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024Volume: 10 Issue: 27 & 28 -Joint Issue



 Published and Sponsored by OCERINT International © 2015 - 2023

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